Ray Hayward Successfully Receives New Heart | Updated May 26 - Red Raider Dugout

Ray Hayward Successfully Receives New Heart | Updated May 26

UPDATE: As of 2:30 am on May 26, Ray Hayward’s new heart was beating independently and he exited surgery after a successful 10-hour procedure. Hayward is scheduled to receive a kidney transplant sometime on May 26 but that time has not yet been determined.

We have confirmed with the Hayward family that earlier today, Texas Tech Baseball Special Assistant Ray Hayward’s doctors accepted a heart and kidney for transplant. He entered surgery at 4:20 pm on Wednesday, May 25, and as of writing the heart procedure is going well. The kidney transplant procedure is slated for tomorrow.

Hayward has been hospitalized since undergoing heart surgery on March 21, ultimately being added to the heart and kidney transplant lists. Due to the machine-related support Hayward’s heart required he was moved to the top of the transplant list.

The family requests the prayers of Red Raiders everywhere as Hayward undergoes surgery and prepares to rehab following receiving two new organs.

Our stories about Hayward’s journey are linked below and we will provide updates when more information becomes available.

Family of Ray Hayward Requests Prayers
Ray Hayward Preparing for Heart Transplant
Hayward Officially Added to Transplant List

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